Wilson Pandhika, Pan Era Group
Wilson Pandhika
Managing Director
Pan Era Group

Wilson Pandhika has more than 13 years of experience in the field of plastics recycling, specifically in the recycling of Polyethylene and Polypropylene. He currently acts as a managing director of Pan Era Group, a reputable plastics recycling company based in Greater Jakarta, Indonesia which has an extensive network of suppliers that collects significant amounts of post consumer plastics waste. In the company, he is currently developing premium quality recycled resin, and hopes that they will be able to answer the challenge put forward by multinational companies in their pledge to incorporate PCR resin in the packaging of their product.

He also serves as the Secretary General of Indonesian Plastics Recyclers, a nonprofit business association of plastics recycling companies in Indonesia that focuses on improving the condition in Indonesia. Together with the improvement in waste management, they believe that plastics recycling plays a pivotal role in the shift from linear to circular economy. The association also advocates for a better, more positive image of recycled plastics, where it is generally considered as inferior and harmful in Indonesia.